Project Outputs

Communicating and promoting our research through peer-reviewed research publications was an essential element of our activities. The following list gives a breakdown of all published project outputs (as well as some items published by team members emerging from earlier commitments, to showcase breadth and depth of our research).

For our commitment to, and compliance with, ERC open access requirements and accessible research in general, please see our statement at the bottom of this page.


  • Cenati, C. – González Berdús, V. – Kruschwitz, P. (2024) Ceterum censemus Carthaginem Novam esse legendam: Roman Poetry as Cultural History. Exemplaria Classica 28, pp. 107–137.
    [open access via u:scholar after expiry of the embargo period]
  • Tasso, M. (2023 (2024)) Ein bislang übersehener jambischer Senar aus Mauretania Tingitana. Tyche 38, pp. 197–200.
    [open access via u:scholar]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2024) The Poetry of Death in the Corpus Tibullianum (With an Outlook on the Elegies of Propertius and Ovid). In: S. Kyriakidis, C. N. Michalopoulos (eds.) Secretis bene uiuere siluis: Studies in Latin Literature in Honour of Robert Maltby, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 2–27.
    [open access via u:scholar]
  • Kruschwitz, P. – Murzea, D. (2024) Women of Roman Dacia (Re-)Centred: Roman Verse Inscriptions between Macro-History and Micro-Narrative. In: L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, R. Ardevan, R. Varga, F. Matei-Popescu, O. Țentea (eds.) Studia epigraphica et historica in honorem Ioannis Pisonis (Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen – Contributions to the Study of Ancient World Cultures 181), Wiesbaden, pp. 305–328.
    [open access via u:scholar after expiry of the embargo period]
  • Cenati, C. – Szabó, C. – Szabó, E. (2024) Carmina for the Nymphs in the Danubian Provinces. In: L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba, R. Ardevan, R. Varga, F. Matei-Popescu, O. Țentea (eds.) Studia epigraphica et historica in honorem Ioannis Pisonis (Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen – Contributions to the Study of Ancient World Cultures 181), Wiesbaden, pp. 279–303.
    [open access information will follow shortly]
  • Cenati, C. (2024) Revisiting Four Latin Inscriptions from Roman Tomis. In: L. Mihailescu-Bîrliba (ed.) Mensa rotunda epigraphica. Papers of the conference held in Iași (20th–21st of September 2022), Cluj-Napoca, pp. 175–198.
    [open access via u:scholar]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2023 (2024)) Quidquid id est, studeas titulis et dono inscriptis: the Trojan Horse and its Significance for Epigraphical Research. In: L. Buzoianu, V. Lungu, D. Hălmagi (eds.) Aux sources des connaissances historiques. Épigraphie, textes littéreaires et documents archéologiques. Volume dédié à la mémoire de Alexandru Avram (Pontica 56 Supplementum X), Constanța, pp. 195-214.
    [open access via journal homepage and u:scholar]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2023 (2024)) Disiecta membra: Migration und Fremdheitserfahrungen zwischen Isolation und Integration in kaiserzeitlichen Versinschriften aus Tomis. Gymnasium: Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und Humanistische Bildung 130, pp. 489–519.
    [open access via u:scholar after expiry of the embargo period]
  • Cenati C. – Kruschwitz, P. (2024) Poetic Baggage: Representations of Camp Followers in the Latin Verse Inscriptions, Electrum 31, pp. 153–183.
    [open access via u:scholar; doi: 10.4467/20800909EL.24.012.19162, download also available from the journal webpage].
  • Tasso, M. (2024) Una nota in merito ad un frammento pavuciano in Agostino, Aevum 98, pp. 215–223. [**]
  • Cenati, C. – Murzea, D. – González Berdús, V. (2023 (2024)) Sounds from Sarmizegetusa: Poetry and Performance in the Province of Dacia, Acta Musei Napocensis 60/I, pp. 139–159.
    [open access via u:scholar; doi: 10.54145/ActaMN.I.60.10]
  • Andreeva, P. – Anevlavi , V. – Frerix, B. – Cenati, C. – Prochaska, W. – Ladstätter, S. – Karadimitrova, K. (2024) A contribution to the urbanization and marble supply of Roman Thrace: an interdisciplinary study, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16:23. [**]
    [open access; doi: 10.1007/s12520-023-01920-3].


  • Kruschwitz, P. – González Berdús, V. (2023) Connecting the Dots: Some Thoughts on the Spread and Diffusion of Recurring Carmina Latina Epigraphica, Sylloge Epigraphica Barcinonensis 21, pp. 145–163.
    [open access via u:scholar after expiry of the embargo period]
  • González Berdús, V. (2023), Follow the (Verse) Instructions: On ILD I, 282 and the Cult to Dea Caelestis in Sarmizegetusa (Dacia), Sylloge Epigraphica Barcinonensis 21, pp. 325–335.
    [open access via u:scholar after expiry of the embargo period]
  • Cenati, C. – Tasso, M. – Massimo, D. (2023) A tale of two wives (and four husbands?): the story of two exceptional women from Imperial Rome. Online video (15 minutes), published on YouTube.
  • Cenati, C. (2023) Appunti di onomastica militare: osservazioni su alcune iscrizioni Urbane, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 226, pp. S. 207-213. [**]
  • Tasso, M. (2023), Catilina infelix (Aug. civ. 2.23.1). Fra Sallustio e Virgilio, Athenaeum 111.2, pp. 606–610. [**]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2023), “Diese Verslein hat Proficentius hervorgebracht”: Überlegungen zum Konzept der Autor*innenschaft mit besonderem Blick auf die lateinischen Versinschriften, in: Glaubitz, N. – Wesselmann, K. (edd.), Plurale Autorschaft. Formen der Zusammenarbeit in Schriftkultur, Kunst und Literatur (= LWU – literatur in wissenschaft und unterricht neue folge 2/2023), Würzburg, pp. 155–185.
    [open access via u:scholar]
  • González Berdús, V. (2023), Los homoerotismos femeninos en la Antigüedad grecolatina, in: Vázquez García, F. (ed.), Historia de la homosexualidad femenina en Occidente, Madrid, pp. 31–79. [**]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2022 (2023)) Special Order: Verse Inscriptions and the Stonecutter’s Workshop. Online video (1 hour 5 minutes), published on YouTube.
  • González Berdús, V. (2023) Concerning Fuchs 13: a case study on the characteristics of very late Carmina Latina Epigraphica from Trier (Augusta Treverorum), in: Horster, M. (ed.), Carmina Latina Epigraphica – Developments, Dynamics, Preferences (Auctarium vol. 7), Berlin, pp. 73–80. [*]
  • Cenati, C. – González Berdús, V. – Hobel, T. – Kruschwitz, P. – Murzea, D. (2021 (2023)) Defragmenting Apulum: A Re-Examination of IDR III/5.2.586 (With a Digression on IDR III/5.2.622+626). Tyche 36. pp. 11–25.
    [open access via u:scholar; doi: 10.25365/tyche-2021-36-2]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2023) Jane F. Gardner (1934–2023). CUCD Bulletin 52. 14 pp. [**]
  • Cenati, C. (2023) Miles in urbe. Identità e autorappresentazione nelle iscrizioni dei soldati di origine danubiana e balcanica a Roma (Epigrafia e Antichità 49), Carocci Editore: Rome. [**]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2022 (2023)) Miscarriage and Other Horrors of a Mother from Roman Skopje: A New Reading of IMS VI 164 = AE 1984.752 = CLEMoes 11. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 224. pp. 49–57.
    [open access via u:scholar]


  • Kruschwitz, P. (2022) Epigraphy: the Art of Being Nosy? Some Thoughts on Plutarch, De curiositate 11 (= Moralia 520d–f) and Related Texts. Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 52. pp. 181–199.
    [open access via u:scholar; doi: 10.1515/9783110796841-007]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2022) Notions of Barbarians and Barbarian Lands in the Latin Verse Inscriptions. Medieval Worlds 16. pp. 163–194.
    [open access: doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s163 and u:scholar]
  • Tasso, M. (2022) Agostino e Ammiano: alcune considerazioni in merito a civ. 4, 29 e 5, 21. Bollettino di Studi Latini 52. pp. 129–137. [**]
  • Cenati, C. – González Berdús, V. – Kruschwitz, P. (2022) When Poetry Comes to Its Senses: Inscribed Roman Verse and the Human Sensorium. In: Cousins, E. (ed.), Dynamic Epigraphy: New Approaches to Inscriptions, Oxford – Philadelphia, 143–176.
    [open access via the publisher’s website and u:scholar]


  • Kruschwitz, P. (2021) Musisch-poetische Quellen-Kunde: Kulturgeschichtliche Gedanken zu den carmina epigraphica in Vitruvs De architectura. Sylloge Epigraphica Barcinonensis 19. pp. 27–53.
    [open access via u:scholar]
  • Team MAPPOLA (2021), Depeșe poetice de pe Limesul Dacic. Limes. Frontierele Imperiului Roman în România 10. pp. 15–20.
    [open access via the website]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2020 (2021)) Five Feet Under: Exhuming the Uses of the Pentameter in Roman Folk Poetry. Tyche 35. pp. 71–98.
    [open access via u:scholar]
  • Cenati, C. (2021), L’indicazione dell’origo nelle iscrizioni dei soldati di provenienza danubiana e balcanica a Roma. In: Mitthof, F. – Cenati, C. – Zerbini, L. (eds.), Ad ripam fluminis Danuvi. Papers of the 3rd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces (Vienna, 11th–14th November 2015), Vienna, pp. 101120.
    [open access:] [**]
  • Mitthof, F. – Cenati, C. – Zerbini, L. (2021), Ad ripam fluminis Danuvi. Papers of the 3rd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces (Vienna, 11th–14th November 2015), Wien.
    [open access:] [**]
  • Bodard, G., Cayless, H., Cenati, C., Cooley, A., Elliott, T., Evangelisti, S., Felicetti, A., Granados, P., Grieshaber, F., Gruber, E., Hershkowitz, A., Hill, T., Kiiskinen, H., Kollatz, T., Levivier, A., Liuzzo, P., Luciani, F., Mannocci, A., Mataix, E., Murano, F., Murphy, O., Mylonas, E., Prag, J., Razanajao, V., Stoyanova, S., Tsolakis, G., Tupman, C., Vagionakis, I., Vitale, V., Weise, F (2021), Modeling Epigraphy with an Ontology.
    [open access: published on and permanently deposited in Zenodo]
  • Solin, H. – Varone, A. – Kruschwitz, P. (2020 (2021)), Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Vol. IV, Pars IV: Fasc 2 Addenda et corrigenda ad inscriptiones pictas parietarias Herculanenses; auctarium addendorum ad inscriptiones pictas in fasc. 4.1 editas; novi tituli picti; addenda et corrigenda ad inscriptiones graphio inscriptas a Zangemeister et Mau editas. De Gruyter: Berlin – Boston. [*]
    [doi: 10.1515/9783110729207]
  • Kruschwitz, P. – Gangoly, A. – Cenati, C. – González Berdús, V. – Murzea, D. – Hobel, T. (2021) The Poetics of Displacement: Migration and multiculturalism in the Roman verse inscriptions. A Conversation. Online video (1 hour 4 minutes), published on Vimeo, permanently deposited on Phaidra.
  • González Berdús, V. (2021) Et rogo te: concerning the religious purpose of an inscribed terracotta from Augusta Treverorum. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 217. pp. 66–70.
    [open access via u:scholar]
  • Kruschwitz, P. – González Berdús, V. (2021) From Vienna with Love: Revisiting CIL III 6016.3 = CLE 1812 adn. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 217. pp. 71–74.
    [open access via u:scholar]


  • Kruschwitz, P. (2020) Poetry on the Advance: The Emergence and Formation of a Poetic Culture in Roman Britain. Greece & Rome 67.2. pp. 177-202.
    [open access: doi: 0.1017/S0017383520000054]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2020) Democratising Roman Poetry. Online video (33 minutes), published on YouTube, permanently deposited on Phaidra.
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2020) Eine kleine Poetik der Seuche: Epidemien im Spiegel römischer Versinschriften. Gymnasium: Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und Humanistische Bildung 127. pp. 137-157.
    [open access via u:scholar]
  • González Berdús, V. (2020) Sobre el dedicatario de RICG I, 89. In: M. Limón, C. Fernández Martínez (eds.) Sub ascia. Estudios sobre Carmina Latina Epigraphica, Sevilla, pp. 411-421. [*]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2020) Kindertotenlieder: Children in the Carmina Latina Epigraphica Germaniae. In: M. Limón, C. Fernández Martínez (eds.) Sub ascia. Estudios sobre Carmina Latina Epigraphica, Sevilla, pp. 29-50. [*]
  • Kruschwitz, P. – González Berdús, V., (2019 [2020]) Nicht auf den Kopf gefallen: Zur Wiener Versinschrift AE 1992, 1452 = AE 2015, 1102. Tyche 34. pp. 89-94, tab. 5.
    [open access via u:scholar and journal webpage]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2020) Poeta … sapientia politu[s]: Zu Autor und Kontext der Athener Versinschrift CIL III 7286 = CLE 1511. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 214. pp. 47-50.
    [open access via u:scholar]


  • González Berdús, V. (2019) Concerning RICG I, 194 A and its metric form. Exemplaria Classica 23. pp. 123-134.
    [open access via u:scholar and the journal webpage]
  • González Berdús, V. (2019) Notes on the metrical form of the epitaph of Iulia Pieris. In: S. Rodríguez Piedrabuena, G. Kádas, S. Macías Otero, K. Zilverberg (eds.) Kατὰ σχολήν: Approaches to Greek and Latin Language, Literature and History, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 181-194. [*]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2019) Vergilianus poeta and Ovidianus poeta: a short, but necessary, farewell. Latinitas 7 (1). pp. 9-13. [*]
    [read this paper on]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2019) Ballistas Grabepigramm zwischen Kreativität und Tradition: Gedanken zur römischen Gedichtkultur. Gymnasium: Zeitschrift für Kultur der Antike und Humanistische Bildung, 126 (2). pp. 147-166. [*]
  • Kruschwitz, P. (2019) How the Romans Read Funerary Inscriptions: Neglected Evidence from the Querolus. Habis 50. pp. 341-362. [*]
    [open access:]

Open Access Statement

As an ERC-funded research project, we strictly adhered to the ERC’s open access publishing requirements.

[*] In the interest of accessibility and promoting carmina epigraphica research more widely, we occasionally list items here that were produced before our funding started, but published subsequently. All relevant items are clearly marked with [*]. Should you wish to consult these non-project outputs, or any project outputs that, under open access terms and conditions, are still embargoed on our institutional repository, please contact us, and we will try our best to make an electronic copy available to you.

[**] Items thus marked are not project outputs, but originate from team members’ pre-MAPPOLA research. We included them here to showcase the breadth and depth of our team members’ research interests. Wherever possible, we included information regarding Open Access options.